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Social Prescribing

Social Prescribing

What is Social Prescribing?

People often visit their GP due to feeling stressed or anxious about everyday life, work, money or housing problems.  This can sometimes become overwhelming and there doesn’t seem to be any way forward.

Social prescribing is a way of engaging and connecting you with a source of support in your local community.  This may help you to overcome some of these issues and make you feel better both physically and mentally.

Social prescribing always starts with a conversation, your Social Prescriber will give you the time to talk and help you plan a way of resolving the issues affecting you.

For example Your Social Prescriber might introduce you to a new community group or activity or may link you to a local source of advice dependent on the needs you have.

This is a short video about Social Prescribing

How can I access a Social Prescriber?

There are several ways to be able to be referred to the service, these include: